

Serdi Faki Alici & Lara Staal / NTGent
Serdi © Michiel Devijver
Serdi © Michiel Devijver
Serdi © Michiel Devijver
Serdi © Michiel Devijver
Serdi © Michiel Devijver
Serdi © Michiel Devijver
Serdi © Michiel Devijver

I hate the number six
There were six of us at home,
my parents died the sixth month of the year when I was six...

SERDI tells the story of Serdi. All about how someone who has nothing makes his voice his home. As an orphan, moving from institution to institution and from school to juvenile detention, Serdi made himself a promise. He taught himself beatboxing. He trained until he could do it. The acoustics of solitary confinement proved perfect for refining his technique.

SERDI shows how a person's voice can become a weapon. How a rootless life, threatening to slip away, suddenly regained its footing by disciplining the voice. How the power of sound and composition finally made it possible to communicate with others.



Serdi Faki Alici (°1988, Ghent) is best known as the musician and beatboxer Serdi. He started his theatre career as a youngster at Union Suspecte and played in Legal Illegal and Carnival Of Guilt. He also appeared in Bezette Stad, a contemporary adaptation of Paul van Ostaijen's book (KVS), and was involved as a maker in the graduation project Woyzeck Serdi Faki, in which he played the lead role.


Het Theaterfestival juryreport 2024

"Serdi Faki Alici shows the threefold power of theater as a collective therapeutic ritual, mirror of our shared community and nuclear reactor of human creativity. Here stands no victim. Here stands a creator"

Fri 13 Sep 24     20u30
Sat 14 Sep 24     17u00

concept & text Serdi Faki Alici, Jamila Channouf & Lara Staal performance & music Serdi Faki Alici direction Lara Staal preliminary research & coaching Jamila Channouf dramaturgic advice Benoît Vanraes performance coach Sven Ronsijn set design Grisha Runge lighting design Sander Michiels production NTGent coproduction Theater Aan Zee


duration 75'

language Dutch